Star Wars, Episode III
Well, I've seen it. Hrmm...
I'm not quite sure what to say. Don't get me wrong, I loved it- but I don't quite feel right...
Back when Episode I came out, I walked out of the theater a hyperactive pile of joy in love with Star Wars again. Of course, the movie soured on repeat veiwings, but at the moment, all I could see was Podraces and Lightsaber fights and awesome Jedi.
When I walked out of AOTC, I felt pretty good- not the best, nor better then TPM, but I still liked it.
When I walked out of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, I was a gibbering idiot, crying, weeping and loving it.
Here... Im just, well, satisfied. It was a damn good movie. That is all. It didn't blow me away, and it didn't disapoint me. I guess, I can just say it met my expectations. Did not excede, did not disapoint, just met them in every way.
After reading lots of spoiler reviews, I want to adress several things.
First, Everybody hated Vaders 'Noooo' scene. I didn't mind that at all. It worked fine.
On the other hand, everybody loves Palpy, who I though had a rather shaky performance at times- mostly during the Mace/Palpy duel.
The Space Battle was incredible visually, but lacked the emotional impact of the Two Death Star runs, and even the Phantom Menace's space battle.
The slaughtering of the Jedi across the galacy was beutiful. The slaughtering of the Jedi Temple was pretty good.
The romance wasnt too bad.
The Yoda/Palpy duel, while awesome, was entirly too short. On the other hand, the Anakin/Obi duel was powerful, emotional and incredible looking, but a bit long.
Grevious took a minute to get used to his voice, but afterwards, was great. His death wasn't the best, but better then Boba Fetts in Jedi.
Anybody who is looking for political messages is full of crap.
R2 Kicks Ass. Nuff said.
Overall? I don't know. Im giving it a 9/10 and a high recomendation to see. Ill need repeat viewings to get a full picture on where it lies.
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